Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Have students send you secure files with DROPitTOme

Are you using Dropbox? We wrote a post earlier in the year outlining all of the great features of this service. If those features were not convincing enough for you, here is one more...

 DROPitTOme is a Dropbox-affiliated service that allows other people to send files directly to your Dropbox folder. This is an easy and quick alternative to using flash drives or having students upload files to the school server. I used to have students email Word and PowerPoint files to me. Not only was this inconvenient, but the files were often very large and cluttered my inbox. With DROPitTOme, students can now send files directly to my Dropbox. It creates a new folder called "Dropittome" where all files are stored.

You do need to register and sign in with your Dropbox account. Once you do this, you will be given a direct link to a personalized "drop" site like mine below. You can view this site here. You can notice in the image below that students need to enter a password in order to send me a document. When you set this up for yourself, you have the option of making it password-protected or not. I would recommend you do this so you don't get unsolicited and potentially harmful files sent to your account!

 In my Enrichment class this year, we have been having students plan their dream vacations. At the end of the rotation, students must present their itinerary using either a Google Presentation or a PowerPoint presentation. Students who use Google go on to the teacher computer and sign in to their Google account to present their information to the class. Students using PowerPoint send their presentations to me using Dropittome the day before. I log into my account at, and students get immediate access to their slideshows. Even when students wait to the last minute to send them to me, it only takes a few minutes to sync and appear in my folder.

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